Property of Jesus


Property of Jesus.  Property of Jesus.
I’m the, I—I’m the, I—I’m the Property of Jesus!
Property of Jesus.  Property of Jesus.
I’m the, I—I’m the, I—I’m the Property of Jesus!


Once upon a time I was a prisoner of sin
Then I met Christ, now I’m a prisoner of Him
Uhh….yep!  Now it’s for Him that I live
And since He paid off all my debts, it’s for Him that I give
I really mean this, please just listen, man I’m speechless
I’ve given Him my heart so now I’m “property of Jesus”
So needless to say, with this guy I’m okay
I know I can take Him at His Word each and every day
So I meet Him in the morning, meet Him in the evening
Meet Him all throughout the year in each and every season
We need Him, believe Him, yeah I wanna greet Him
See Him face to face so I can kiss and hug and squeeze Him
Receive Him.  He took a beating while severely bleeding
Dieing on that cross while them Roman soldiers teased Him
Yes it was God’s will and yes it really pleased Him
But 3 days later he would resurrect to freedom
Conquering the grave and freeing up the slaves
In the chains of death, yes you can trust this teaching
You’re breathing; you don’t really need no other reason
Seal your life with Christ tonight and light up with the Kingdom


Hold on yall betta’ realize who I belong to; Talkin’ loud sayin’ nuthin’ couldn’t stomach half da’ things young cut-t done gone through. Neva-neva take-take me-me for-a for-a joke-joke I-I don’t-don’t play-play; I-know-who-I-serve I-know-who-I-serve care-care less-less what-what you-you say-say. You, will, get tired, tryna’ keep up; I’ma run da race even if they try to bound me and put me in a furnace gone turn the heat up. Your a beast? well I’ma creature; never take a breather til I take upon the features of my teacher. Yup, I know He’s a way-maker; cause He still covered me when I was living wild like a haymaker. So I’m like “Hey, Maker! Got a favor, lettem know that I’m your property”. Honestly now I’m properly lined up it ain’t no STOP in me.


Y’all wanna know how I know when I ‘m doing wrong?
I’m stamped with the image of GOD; that’s what’s going on!
His Spirit convicts me, He’s here and He fixed me
It trips me out how His Spirit lives in me
He grips me, swiftly, then His presence rips me
Open like a KFC six-piece of crispy
He’s nifty!  Nifty?  Yeah, to put it simply
I’ll crawl to Him like a child even when I’m 60
He gives me liberty.  See I’m just a sinner freed
Up from the grave, death and Hell and Satan’s trickery
Man it ain’t no mystery.  If you check my history
You’ll see why this MC’s set up in a ministry
I’m in this deep; moving like a lion in this industry
Casting out the lines; I’m a fisher on a fishing spree
This is not religion B, and this ain’t no bigotry
This is intimacy with the Author of INFINITY