Fallen World


You know, every day I that I walk this earth, I see people roaming the streets, struggling just to make it another day.  Every time I turn on the news, seems like another tragedy has come, bringing more tears and more suffering.  And I need some answers…


Lord, I got things I wanna talk about:  Heavy thoughts and I can’t block em’ out…..sitting in a world with so much pain and we can’t see the sun with so much rain.  Seems like it all is falling apart and I keep hitting walls in the dark.  I just can’t understand why You let things happen the way they do; it’s making me mad man!  I feel so trapped, lost and saddened.  Takes everything in me to keep from snapping!  The waves of pain are overlapping; the needy in the streets are over lacking.  People are hungry, sick and starving; the innocent imprisoned while criminals pardoned so pardon me if my heart is hardened and I’m starting to spar like an angry Spartan!  But I don’t wanna wrestle with You, God.  I just don’t understand why You do not put Your foot down on the things You see from the wicked and evil schemes of fiends.  I don’t see why You don’t stop the force of a gang in the night kicking down the doors to a house where an innocent woman rests just to beat her and rape her and put her to death!  Lord, I feel the weight and the heaviness from the cries of this world cuz we’re in distress.  I do thank You cuz I know we’re blessed but we’re sick of this life and all its tests!  I know there’s gotta be a good reason for this.  I’ll keep praying for a rare season of bliss.  But in the meantime, enlighten me cuz everywhere I look in life I see…


Another man shot on the block again
Another man get locked up again
Another man gone on the rock again
Another man lost his job again
Oh Lord I just don’t understand – how this all fits in Your plan
But when I take a better look around, I’m so astounded to see this by Your hand…
Another blind man can see again
Another mute man can speak again
Another sick man can breathe again
Another lost soul set free again
Lord, it’s so hard to believe – how crazy life can be
Lord, please just help us to see – Oh Lord, please help us see!


Yeah it’s so hard to believe just how crazy life can be.  Up one minute then down the next like the waves in the middle of a storm at sea.  I see soul mates find love; being everything they’re born to be but then I watch good marriages get split up and I see a lot of families torn in 3.  Oh me…oh me oh my…..why the hell do we let good things die?  Why the hell do we let demons fly?  Just sit still while hell gets by?  Oh I know we’re to blame for the pride and the lies and the fear and shame but Lord, we can never seem to get a grip on this so come and send the Living Water down to clear the flame!  Yes Lord, we call Your Name…..waiting for You to stop the pain; waiting for You to stop the rain; yeah, we’re waiting for You to walk the lame! I know You’re real, I’m not insane for waiting on You to stop the chain reaction of the curse of sin that’s on every living soul, it’s not a game! And if I see another girl get played again; if I see another girl get raped again and if I see another orphan’s face again…or, if I see another widow forsaken!……Man, I cannot imagine or fathom how bad this man will be acting; I’m cracking now as I’m rapping this verse…..don’t let me see…


And God, I know even though it ain’t pleasing, it all comes with a rhyme and a reason.  As Your purpose surfaces in the earth, it’s clear there’s a time and a season for laughing and for grieving; and Lord, it’s so relieving to know this will only last a day cuz one day, Heaven and earth will pass away and I pray we can all learn to trust in the One on the throne Who is truly just!  Who are we as Your creation to demand from You an explanation?  Lord, though we can’t understand Your sovereign ways for man…….yo, in the end, no one could ever do it better than You so to You we lift our hands!


Another man shot on the block again
Another man gets locked up again
Another man gone on the rock again
Another man lost his job again
Oh Lord I just don’t understand – how this all fits in Your plan
But when I take a better look around, I’m so astounded to see this by Your hand
Another blind man can see again
Another mute man can speak again
Another sick man can breathe again
Another lost soul set free again
Oh Lord we just can’t understand – Your sovereign ways for man
But in the end, no one could ever do it better than You so to You we lift our hands


And Lord, when you dwelled among us in the flesh, you declared that in this world, we would have trouble.  But you also said that you had overcome the world.  And that anyone who puts their trust in you, will have peace…..and overcome the world too.