Christian Boy


What you know about this Christian Boy?
This nice, lean, cut, clean Christian Boy?
You never really seen this Christian Boy!
So let me tell you ‘bout this Christian Boy!
What you know about this Christian Boy?
This nice, clean sin free Christian Boy?
I used to be everything BUT Christian boy
Until God MADE ME a Christian Boy!

Verse 1

I used to be everything but what you see standing here today; Christ cleaned me up!  But let me show y’all what it looked like before:

Like them cordless mics when they was mics with cords.  I was chained to a wall of deceit; chained to a ball at my feet that had your boy walk in defeat.  I was enslaved to the grave and the pain from the heat of them flames that awaited when I’d wake from my sleep.  I would drink up so much liquor from bottles.  Yo, I followed “on the rocks” as my motto; popping valiums and klonopins, x, vicodins and any other pill I could swallow.  All them days were cold and murky.  I picked that dirt up out of the earth like I purchased a Kirby!  I’m about to turn 30; but I’m sturdy cuz I’ve weathered more storms than a bridge in New Jersey!

Verse 2

Yeah I know you see me standing here, crisp and clean; Christian boy sharing his gifts and dreams, ripping clean rhymes like Listerine; shining like them glazed donuts from Crispy Cream!  But don’t get it twisted; I lived a life full of HATE, you came in late so be glad that you missed it.  Don’t think I’m soft cuz I’m Christian.  It takes an act of God to keep this “sinner-in-transition” from flipping.  Yeah, what you know about this kid on the streets?…..This kid who would creep like a thief without a peep while people were asleep?  Yo, what you know about me laying with dames, playing with flames; sinning against God in every way you could name? See, I was sucking up sin through a straw thicker than them straws that you get at McDonald’s and y’all wouldn’t even have believed it if you’d seen it.  See, what you see now is a product of Jesus!

Verse 3

I’m sure a lot of y’all cats can relate:  You’ve been made a new creature even though your past isn’t great.  You should’ve seen me on the streets; fiends bagging up weight to take to church for the Deacons cuz the Pastor was fake.  See, not every “so called” Christian boy is a true Holy Spirit-filled Christian boy.  A lot of them are just wolves playing with sheep toys like them acrobats who try to act like B-boys! But the sad thing is, is a dude could be a true son, even as bad as he is; and that’s the problem with a lot of believers:  They want to speak the truth but their actions make them look like deceivers.  Don’t be so quick to put your trust in a servant.  Why?  Cuz you really might be trusting a serpent who’s for certain lurking in your path, corrupting and swerving your faith out of place! Man it hurts how the church is!  So I spit TRUTH bold as a Lion!  Stand firm with the Word, I’m a solder of Zion!!  I bring the Hard Truth to a hostile environment

With beats so hot they could knock out a FIREMAN!  I’m on another level.  I’ve been exalted by God just like the devil before he was a rebel.  It’s a golden opportunity more stable than metal.  That’s why I’m holding on to y’all from the bass to the treble!